I have an external sound card Focusrite for my microphone and headphones but I use USB soundbar for output and all the time I need to switch between them.
And I'm happy to share this nice widget for Gnome shell.
I have an external sound card Focusrite for my microphone and headphones but I use USB soundbar for output and all the time I need to switch between them.
And I'm happy to share this nice widget for Gnome shell.
We have got great tool to save us: asciicast2movie.
I'll use Ubuntu 20.04 for my tests.
Install dependencies:
pip install moviepy pyte
Install fonts:
sudo apt-get install -y fonts-symbola fonts-droid-fallback fonts-dejavu
Start conversion:
python3 asciicast2movie.py ~/Downloads/community_installation.cast ~/Downloads/community_installation.mp4
Unfortunately, it produced quite low res video :(
To do it you will need to install:
sudo apt install -y wine-binfmt
And then you can add wine as option in "open with" dialog:
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/wine/examples/wine.desktop /usr/share/applications
In addition to that you can call exe apps normal way after setting executable bit:
I've used this guide, it's very simple and you just need to run wine-cfg and select DPI value which works for you.
You can use Mikrotik's official guide for start. To use all gsutil commands from VM in GCE you will need to set following permissions for it:
gsutil mb gs://cloud-hosted-router-imagesCreating gs://cloud-hosted-router-images/...ServiceException: 409 A Cloud Storage bucket named 'cloud-hosted-router-images' already exists. Try another name. Bucket names must be globally unique across all Google Cloud projects, including those outside of your organization.
gcloud compute instances create "chr-1" --zone "europe-north1-a" --machine-type "e2-medium" --image-family=cloud-hosted-router
To debug issues with image itself you can use serial output: